Filip Hrkal
Motto: “It is better to be average among the best than to be the best of the average.”
  • Over 15 years of experience in HR and diagnostics of potential
  • Chief assessor
  • Lecturer at the University of Economics, Prague
  • HR, Marketing, Corporate management, Statistics, Economics, Psychometrics
  • Czech, English, Spanish
  • Education: Escuela Superior de Marketing y Administración, Barcelona, Spain
  • More on LinkedIn profile
  • Arrange your Feedback session (doodle link)
Václav Coubal
Motto: "Potential is more than knowledge.''
  • Over 30 years of experience in HR and diagnostics
  • Chief assessor, coach, 360° feedback leader
  • Lecturer at the University of Economics, Prague 
  • Psychology, Psychometrics, Statistics, Corporate management
  • Czech, English
  • Education: Faculty of Psychology, Charles University in Prague
  • More on LinkedIn profile
  • Arrange your Feedback session (doodle link)
Šárka Hradská
Motto: “Nothing great has ever been achieved without enthusiasm.”
  • Marketing support
  • Website administration
  • Administration of internal systems
  • Support in AC preparation
  • Translation of tools
  • Czech, English, German
  • Education: Czech Technical University in Prague
Hana Slobodová
Motto: “When you do what you've always done, you will get only what you've always received."
  • Assessor, psychologist
  • Conducting 360° feedback
  • Conducting competency interviews
  • Workshop facilitator
  • Psychometric interpretation
  • Czech, English, Slovak, Russian, German
  • Education: Faculty of Arts, Charles University
Lucie Kolářová
Motto: “The weak keep to the beaten track, the strong can make their own." 
  • Website administration
  • Internal communication
  • Customer care
  • Receivables management
  • Czech, English, Russian
  • Education: Czech Technical University in Prague